Bringing Australian Fashion To The World

Australian fashion is becoming a reckoning force in the industry, both domestically and internationally. We are thrilled to be partnered up with amazing local and global fashion agencies, allowing OSKAR to be a forefront in defining Australian fashion for women on a global scale. 

From Tokyo to New York City, here are some of the beautiful showrooms presenting OSKAR to the world!

In Japan, we have Jack Of All Trades:

OSKER Bringing Australian Fashion  To The World

OSKER Bringing Australian Fashion  To The World

OSKER Bringing Australian Fashion  To The World

 In NYC and LA, we have Cloque showcasing OSKAR:

OSKER Bringing Australian Fashion  To The World

Sharing our Australian chic aesthetics with fashion lovers across the world, OSKAR is proudly designed in Australia and delivered to all places with a postcode! With a network of over 30 stockists, you can also find OSKAR at our two boutiques in Sydney or you can jump online to our OSKAR e-store right here


23059 thoughts on “Bringing Australian Fashion To The World


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March 15, 2022 at 15:00pm

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March 15, 2022 at 12:48pm

When you eat large meals with many hours in between, your metabolism slows down between meals. Having a small meal or snack every 3 to 4 hours keeps your metabolism cranking, so you burn more calories over the course of a day. Several studies have also shown that people who snack regularly eat less at mealtime.

March 14, 2022 at 15:34pm

Protein is an essential part of a healthy diet, however having protein at all meal times, accelerates weight loss. It leaves you feeling full for longer and helps lower your total body fat. It also prevents the urge to tuck into something fattening or fried, if you eat in moderation, you would also be able to lose weight faster. Here are some suggestions of protein-rich swaps you can make to your daily diet.

March 14, 2022 at 15:33pm

Exercise releases natural painkillers called endorphins. Exercise also promotes blood flow to the nerves in the legs and feet. Researchers believe that regular exercise may create a long-lasting expansion in blood vessels in the feet, nourishing damaged nerves back to health.

March 14, 2022 at 15:27pm

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